Smart Email Writing

Email has become a major tool of communication in our workplace and requires the same care as any other form of communication. Think how much of your time is spent writing emails, letters and reports each week. Does writing come naturally to you or do you hesitate, stumble and lose time trying to put your words together? Think about the people who read your documents – are you convinced they are getting the message you want them to get? Poorly written communication can damage your organization’s image and lose your business – It’s time to take action.

Smart Email Writing is one-day course that essential for employees across all levels of the organization wanting to improve the expression used in their emails and to produce high standards of writing. It provides an excellent starting point to writing emails that communicate exactly what you need to and achieve your results and objectives.


1-Day Workshop is designed to put your new skills into action throughout the course. Amongst these activities is a writing workshop in which you have the opportunity to rework one of your own business documents with the help of our expert trainer. Group size is from 10 to 14 participants.

Key Objectives

  •   Professionally Communicate Via Emails with Confidence
  •   Understand the Principles of Non-Verbal Communication
  •   Understand Essential Etiquettes for Email Communication
  •   Effectively Handle Complaint Emails
  •   Build Email Templates of Different Scenarios


Topics Addressed

  •   Writing Communication with Etiquettes
  •   Professional Steps for Writing Email
  •   How to Develop High Standards of Writing
  •   How to Improve the Expression in Emails


Smart Email Writing Flow Chart

Primary Outcomes
Having completed this training course, participants will be able to professionally communicate via emails and understand the etiquette required. They will be able to build email templates designed for various scenarios and to handle complaints.

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