Smart Communication Skills

Most successful businesses and companies would agree that the key to smooth operations is having an effective team of staff who can communicate both internally and externally. This course was designed to help organisations improve their staff’s ability to communicate efficiently so they can work smarter; not harder when trying to reach their goals at work.

Participants will learn fundamental elements of communication and will touch on listening skills, verbal vs. non-verbal skills as well as cross-cultural communication via different types of mediums such as emails and telephone.

billy profile

2-Day Workshop is designed for anyone to develop communication skills both internally and externally. Group size is from 15 to 20 participants.

Key Objectives

  •   Become an Effective Listener
  •   Become Aware of Communication Methods
  •   Know How to Use Communication Mediums
  •   Know How to Communicate Across Cultures
  •   Know How to Handle Conflicts


Topics Addressed

  •   Communication
  •   Listening Skills
  •   Non-Verbal vs. Verbal Communication
  •   Communication Mediums: Email, Phone, etc.
  •   Handling Conflicts
  •   Cross-Cultural Communication Skills


Smart Communication Skills Flow Chart

Primary Outcomes
Having completed this training course, participants will be able to communicate effectively in all working situations both internally and externally so that their work can push their organisation forward.

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