Smart Leadership Program

During challenging economic times, strong leadership is shown to be more crucial than ever. Many effective companies throughout history have key leaders that help them to drive effectiveness and efficiency. They determine their organisation’s destination and standing position in true greatness.

While “leadership has many meanings to different people, the one thing that stands true is that in business it is that “one” person who defines where the organisation is at and decides where it has to go to be successful in the future. Being a leader means being able to articulate the vision to everyone within the organisation and convincing them the importance while motivating them to work together to achieve it.


5-Day Workshop is designed to provide participants with a realistic overview of the Leadership Skills and how those skills impact to your business. Group size is from 15 to 30 participants.

Key Objectives

  •   Clearly Understand the Setting of Corporate Vision, Mission, and Value
  •   Understand Roles and Responsibilities
  •   Key Successful Performance Drivers
  •   Understand the Important Leadership Dimensions
  •   Discover Your Value


Topics Addressed

  •   Achieve Corporate Vision
  •   Understand Corporate value and Individual Value
  •   Create a More Productive Working Solution
  •   Find the key Driver to Lead Team for Success
  •   Build and Maintain a High Performing Team
  •   Setting the Clear Performance Goal

Smart Leadership Program Flow Chart

Primary Outcomes
Having completed this training course, participants will be able to confidently lead people and build a high performance team for their organisation, as well as be a good leader with full knowledge of key factors for successful performance. They will also know how to define what their Leadership style is and how to incorporate it into their business practices.

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