Handling Difficult Situations

Complaint handling is an essential and useful skill. Whether it is your customer who is complaining, or your client, supplier or even your colleague, you have a great opportunity to see yourself from another’s point of view. The way you handle a complaint can be far more important than the solution you provide and can lead to long term customer loyalty.

Handling complaints well requires practice and an exposure to a wide variety of situations. This course is fundamentally designed around examples and scenarios to accelerate this exposure and help participants to quickly go through a series of common scenarios. The participants will learn through participation in the interactive exercises, group activities and role-plays to master the skills and become better at handling confrontations, aggressive or difficult people.


1-Day Workshop is designed for anyone in a front-line position of customer service. Group size is from 10 to 14 participants.

Key Objectives

  •   The Correct Attitude Towards Complaints and Handling Complaints
  •   Active Listening Helping You Handle Complaints
  •   The Strategies to Deal with Each Type of Complainers
  •   The Common Challenging Scenarios when Handling Complaints
  •   Assertiveness Differ from Aggressive or Passive Behavior
  •   The Body Language Signals Best Suit Your Assertive Style of Communication


Topics Addressed

  •   Nature of Complaints
  •   Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Listening Type
  •   Handling Aggressive Complainers
  •   Assertiveness VS Aggressive or Passive Behavior
  •   Gestures to Observe When Handling Complaints
  •   Types of Complainers
  •   Body Language Signals


Handling Difficult Situation Flow Chart

Primary Outcomes
Having completed this training course, participants will be able to hold a positive attitude towards complaints and appreciate how they benefit organizations. The Active Listening techniques can help complaint handling to establish rapport and leave a positive impression. They can respond to common challenging scenarios and handle complaints in an efficient manner, as well as understanding of how to communicate assertively with customers when handling complaints for a win-win outcome. The body language increases the effectiveness of your communication with others.

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